Enyaq Charging Issues

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Post by HarrisonWM »

I have recently just got the Enyaq 85 24 plate and only had it for a month or so. I have been having a nightmare charging the car using my home project EV charger.

I have tried multiple methods of scheduled overnight charging.

1. setting a schedule on the Enyaq to charge been 11:30 and 5:30 - when I do this the car knows it's plugged in and the charging light flashes green. Which I understand to indicate that it is waiting for a schedule. The issue is after a couple of hours of being plugged in the car no longer thinks it's plugged in. The myskoda states the car is not plugged in, however the project EV app indicates it is plugged in. I also seem to be getting multiple notifications overnight from the myskoda app indicating the battery protection limit exceeded. I have battery protection off, mine state of charge 0% and max 90%, but I'm not sure if the notification is due to a server issue? I can still use the app and turn on climate control. Regardless the car doesn't charge to the schedule.

2. If I set a schedule on the project EV and remove the schedule on the Skoda the same issue occurs where the car doesn't think it's plugged in after a couple of hours. In this I can start the charge from the project EV app as it's not in plug and play mode. Starting the charge manually works and the car starts charging but doesn't start on schedule.

I have intelligent octopus go, and had issues with that too. I turned off smart charging as again, octopus would create the schedule but then after a hour it would state the car is not plugged in.

Any help to ensure Skoda knows my car is still plugged in would be great.



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Post by Aragorn »

The battery protection message happens when you keep "bothering" the car using the app. Every time you use the app it wakes the car up. After so many wakeups, it will go into battery protection to protect the 12v. The only fix is to stop bothering the car.

I would suggest you ignore the "plugged in" state on the app. Set the timer, plug the car in and leave it be. The car should wake up and start charging. If it doesnt, then try the fuse 3 reset on the charge control unit.

If you are using the car timer, the timer on the EVSE must be disabled. Multiple timers causes conflict.
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Post by HarrisonWM »

Thanks, the notifications came overnight when I wasn't using the app. Even now I just got a notification when I haven't been on the app for over 5 hours. I've turned off the app function that wakes the car when the app is used to limit any impact.

What else would cause the app to keep waking and me getting these notifications?

I have removed any schedule on the charger and done the fuse 3 reset. Will update on if charging is completed tonight
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Post by Martin26 »

HarrisonWM wrote: Tue Oct 29, 2024 8:56 pm Thanks, the notifications came overnight when I wasn't using the app. Even now I just got a notification when I haven't been on the app for over 5 hours. I've turned off the app function that wakes the car when the app is used to limit any impact.

What else would cause the app to keep waking and me getting these notifications?

I have removed any schedule on the charger and done the fuse 3 reset. Will update on if charging is completed tonight
Not unusual. I've just learnt to ignore it. In my case it has zero impact on anything at all, it's just a minor annoyance. Supposedly the next release of the app has something in it to address this issue.
Enyaq 85 Sportline with Transport Pack
Race Blue
Ordered 23-Sep-23, delivered 08-May-24
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Post by HarrisonWM »

ImageSame issues overnight. Enyaq didn't charge and got a bunch more notifications overnight stating the battery protection limit exceeded. Fuse 3 reset was also completed.

Seems as though something is still talking to the Skoda overnight. Potentially octopus despite the smart charging schedule being turned off.

Will remove the Skoda schedule and use the schedule on the project EV and see if that works


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Post by SomersetPip »

You are describing everything I have had problems with using Skoda/Octopus charging...I was even threatening to put the car on the garage forecourt and just say fix it!!!!
I have the Enyaq 86 Edition, collected in March. I was forever getting the Battery protection message and the car would drop the charging schedule and leave me with very little charge.
Around Julyt time Octopus sent me the following information that has given me a charge every time I have plugged in. I do not set any schedules, that is done by Octopus and my Zappi charger is set to Scheduled.

Hi Phil,
To resolve the issues you have experienced with Intelligent Octopus Go, please follow the steps below:
⦿ Click the profile button in the top corner of the app’s dashboard.
⦿ Select ‘Intelligent Octopus Settings’.
⦿ Scroll down and tap ‘Disconnect Car’ and confirm.
⦿ This will disconnect your device and log you out of the app.

Once this is complete, you can then go through the onboarding process again, instead integrating via your charger, which is detailed below. Do not worry, you will still be on the Intelligent Octopus Go tariff.

⦿ From the home screen of the app, tap 'Get started' under 'Intelligent Octopus for EVs'.
⦿ Select 'Charger'.
⦿ Select your EV make and model.
⦿ Read and accept the tariff terms and conditions.
⦿ Login to your EV portal.
⦿ Complete a short test charge.

As to the Battery protection issue, I now put my key fob in a Faraday envelope when I not using the car. This stops the fob talking to the car and exceeding the Skoda preset limit. I get the message occasionally.
Hope this helps. Phil
Deleted User 3123

Post by Deleted User 3123 »

I am having similar issues on Enyaq 85 edition also.. and had a 2022 60 before - there is something different with the 85.

Battery protection limit - not only caused by the app - this is when the 12V battery voltage is seen as going low for whatever reason - waking the car up obviously can cause this but so can other things - such as starting to charge - closing the contractors in the HV battery (the clunk noise you hear) uses 12V power and can be quite a sudden inrush current in these sort of things which can cause the 12V to drop momentarily.

However I have noticed at times the contactors switching on and off when waiting to charge - but not actually charging - with no key, schedule or app interaction. For example it was plugged in on a Saturday (months ago) and we never used the car - but when doing things in the garage (key for the car was left in the house) - I heard the contactors close and reopen 5 seconds later.

I think I have reasons for this and I have tried all ways of charging...

1. Zappi with Intelligent Octopus and car set without schedule - Worked fine but hated having to bother with another app.
2. Zappi using Octopus Agile and car set without schedule- Worked fine but even worse than the above.
3. Zappi on Fast Mode and car schedule - works exactly as you and I start getting the battery protection messages etc but occasionally got the car charging slowly (2KW) at peak prices.
4. Zappi on Eco+ with boost between 23:30 and 5:30 AM, and car set to charge by 8AM with preferred slot of 23:30-05:30 - Sometimes doesn't charge reliably or charges at slow speeds at times - I understand this is because the car doesn't wake properly when the 23:30 time if its been plugged in for too long.

5. Zappi on Eco+ with boost between 4PM and 5:30 AM, and car set to charge and A/C with 8AM with preferred slot of 23:30-05:30 - This works flawlessly - The car seems to recognise that the power is there when plugged in (if after 4PM), then charges within the window exactly as expected, then at 7:30AM the A/C starts to warm the car by 8AM. The app does say at times the car is unplugged, but Zappi says EV is delaying charge - which is correct. Then near the scheduled window the Skoda app shows that it is plugged in. This has never given slow speeds, or a failed charge, requires no app or car interactions - just plug it in and come 8AM a nice warm car charged at low rate and all good.

The car doesn't communicate well with chargers that have the ability to delay the charge or be plugged in but not actually provide power - it's not part of the regulations. And if it had to keep communicating to keep checking if it was plugged in but no power was available to be delivered, then it has to be awake, which uses 12V power and the warnings appear.

Hence why I set the zappi to boost from 4PM, so that the zappi is communicating all the time the car is plugged in, that power is available and the car then sleeps until it needs to use it (sometimes showing in the app as not plugged in).
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Post by JBe95 »

I'm also having the same issue with my 85 edition. I'm also on intelligent octopus tariff which doesn't work. Tried scheduling with the car which didn't work and also scheduling with the charger which didn't work. I have to literally charge the car manually by before going to bed I plug it in and let it charge.

Got this from Skoda in regard to octopus..

'You mentioned that you have troubles with charging through Octopus

To guarantee the optimal functionality of the My Škoda App and to enhance the overall experience for our valued customers, we are implementing measures to limit unauthorized integrations that may compromise safety or hinder proper functionality.

The Octopus charging app is unofficial (3rd party) application with the Škoda Connect interface.'

They basically wash their hands with octopus energy.

I'm waiting on a reply in regards to the car scheduling so I'll post when I get it.

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Post by cherryboy »

I had a problem charging overnight with my Ohme charger and Intelligent Octotpus - I have the charger not the car linked to Octopus.

The car was at 15% capacity and I asked Ohme to add 65%. This morning Ohme tells me charging has finished and it has added 19Kw and the MySkoda App is showing 37% full. There are no error messages /notifications in either Ohme or MySkoda app. I've just upgraded OTE from 3.2 to 3.7. This is the first big charge I've requested since then although I did a small top up the night before successfully

UPDATE - charger rcd has tripped and wont reset - its either a fault rcd or the Ohme charger - I have contact Ohme
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Post by RichMix »

I'm still trying to link communication with the SKODA app and in car settings, Octopus Intelligent Go, Rolec Wall Charger and EV.Energy app and not getting very far!

Since September I have been unable to use Octopus Intelligent charging. I've tried every possible permatation and nothing, other than plug and charge and using Skodas shedule will work.

When I do connect to Octopus, it disconnects within half an hour and never deliveres a charge
If I disable Octopus smart charge and SKODA schedule and use EV.Energy app to smart charge on the Octopus tarrif, the car light goes red and I get various error messages

Octopus says it's not them
Rolec say it's EV.Energy (or maybe some hardware that needs changing in wall charger)
EV.Energy only offer help via e mail and they are a nightmare.

Sounds great when you sign up and everyone says stuff works, in all honesty, it's a complete shower of p*ss and nobody seems to be able to link/communicate/resolve
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